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Magdalene College Chapel Termcard


We extend a warm welcome to members of the public to join Magdalene Members and staff in our Chapel for services.

We look forward to welcoming you, whatever your tradition, denomination or beliefs.

The Chapel is a welcoming community offering space, worship and events open to all of any faith or none.

You can follow the Chapel on Facebook.


Holy Communion
19 January - 16 March, 9.00-10.00am
Simple service followed by a free breakfast.

Choral Evensong
26 January - 16 March, 6.00-7.00pm
Traditional service with glorious music from the Choir and thoughtful sermons from a range of preachers; followed by drinks in Benson Hall. At St Giles’ Church on 2 February and 16 March.


Morning Prayer
Tuesday to Friday, 8.30am
20 minutes of prayer with Scripture readings.

Choral Evensong
Thursdays, 6.15-6.50pm
A beautiful Choral service with prayers (no sermon)
30 January – 20 March; not on 20 February or 6 March.

Candlelit Compline
Wednesday 19 February, 9.00-9.20pm
Ancient plainchant sung in the dark; then port and hot chocolate.

Special Services

Thursday 6 February
A Benedictine day in the Divine Offices of Prayer

One day, six short times to pray, with plainchant and reflection from daybreak to nightfall: 6am, 9am, 12pm, 3pm, 6.15pm, 9.30pm.

Friday 21 February, 6.15pm
Pepys’ Commemoration

Evensong before the annual Samuel Pepys birthday celebration.

Sunday 2 March, 9-10am
Holy Baptism and Confirmation

A special service of commitment led by Bishop Rowan Williams. Contact Sarah to talk more. Explore whether now is the time for this step of faith at Sunday morning discussions in First Court A6, from 10.45am, after the 10am Chapel breakfast in Ramsay Hall.

Wednesday 5 March, 6.15pm
Ash Wednesday Holy Communion

The ceremony of Ashing, with music and prayers for repentance to mark the start of Lent. Followed by Chapel curry in Hall.

Sunday 16 March, 6pm
Passiontide Sequence

A moving reflection on the Seven Last Words of Christ with poetry and Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater with the Choir and instruments.

Sunday Choral Evensong

This term four of our preachers help us learn from Magdalene’s Benedictine beginnings as a Monks’ Hostel. What does sixth century St Benedict offer as we learn to live in community and faith today?

We welcome the following preachers this Term:

26 January
The Revd Dr Ian Randall

Research Associate, Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide; former Deputy Principal of Spurgeon’s College, London

2 February
The Feast of Candlemas: The Revd Adam Bak

A joint service with the New Cambridge Singers at St Giles’ Church.

9 February
Benedict I: Richard Frost MBE

Writer, Anglican lay minister, former Mental Health professional.

16 February
Benedict II: The Dean of Chapel

23 February
The Very Revd Dr Elizabeth Thomson

Provincial Director of Ordinands, the Scottish Episcopal Church.

2 March
Benedict III: The Rt Revd Dr Rowan Williams

Honorary Fellow; formerly 35th Master of Magdalene and 104th Archbishop of Canterbury.

9 March
Benedict IV: Sr Jane Livesey CJ

Newnham College; former General Superior of the Congregatio Jesu.

16 March
Passiontide Sequence

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