Mohd-Ghazi, T. and Skelton, R.L., 'The Application Of Pulsed Baffled Tube Photochemical Reactor (PBTPR) By Oscillatory Flow Mixing In Heterogeneous Photocatalysis'. Proceedings of AICHE 2002 Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana U.S.A 3-8 November 2002, New Developments in Multiphase reactors session.
Skelton, R.L., Bustnes, T.E. and Mackley, M.R., 'Development of the oscillatory flow based process for the production of biodiesel transport fuel'. 7th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, 10-14 July 2005, Glasgow, UK.
Berrios M. and Skelton R. L., ‘Comparison of purification methods for biodiesel’. Chemical Engineering Journal 144(3) (2008), 459-465