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Magdalene College Cambridge

Dr Edoardo Gallo

Dr Edoardo Gallo is an Official Fellow in Economics at Magdalene.



Research Interests

Experimental economics, networks, behavioural economics,


A.B. Harvard University (Physics and Mathematics); M.Phil., D.Phil. University of Oxford (Economics).

Selected Publications

Efficiency and equilibrium in network games: An experiment (with C. Yan). The Review of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming.

Communication networks in markets. European Economic Review, 129, October 2020, 103545

Whatever it takes to win: Rivalry increases unethical behavior (with G. Kilduff, A. Galinsky, and J. J. Reade). Academy of Management Journal, 59 (5), 1508-1534, 2016.

The effects of reputational and social knowledge on cooperation (with C. Yan). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112 (12), 3647-3652, 2015.

Social learning by chit-chat. Journal of Economic Theory, 153, 313-343, 2014.