Research Interests
We have purified a wide spectrum of biomolecules ranging from bio-polymers to pharmacologically-active proteins and peptides. This has included the optimization of adsorption processes, particularly highly selective techniques, such as immobilised metal ion affinity chromatography. We have been at the forefront of the development of techniques incorporating expanded bed adsorption (EBA).
New technologies for regenerative medicine
We have developed techniques with applications in stem cell therapies: (i) adsorptive methods for separation of different classes of cells by exploiting the differences in cell surface markers, (ii) novel reactors to optimise the scale-up of growth and proliferation of stem cells in suspended culture.
Biological waste treatment
We have developed immobilized cell reactors for the biodegradation of organics present in industrial wastes. We have also shown that partial uncoupling of micro-organism metabolism in activated sludge waste treatment systems can substantially reduce the amount of biomass produced with consequent environmental advantages.
The use of microwave heating in process engineering applications
We have used microwave pyrolysis techniques for the recovery of valuable chemicals from problematical wastes such as aluminium-containing packing laminates, waste automobile engine oils, waste plastics and scrap tyres. This research has lead to the award-winning spin-out company Enval Ltd.