Kipling: The Cambridge Manuscript

Kipling: The Cambridge Manuscript
Since 1913 Magdalene has elected a succession of outstanding figures in literature and the arts to honorary Fellowships of the college. On the occasion of his election in 1932, Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) presented the College with a manuscript poem entitled 'To the Companion' which celebrated Magdalene's best-known graduate, Samuel Pepys. After his death, his widow, Caroline Kipling, bequeathed the present collection of manuscript poems - many of them redrafted and corrected, and thus giving insights into Kipling's creative process - to the College. The bound volume comprises some twenty-eight poems in all (including multiple versions of key stanzas of 'The White Man's Burden'), together with a fragment of an unpublished poem entitled 'The Song of the Engine'.
£25.00 (plus p&p)
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