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Race, Education and Empire

Magdalene PhD student Daphne Martschenko writes about the research collective Race, Education and Empire at the Faculty of Education in Cambridge.

Daphne Martschenko is a third-year PhD student at Magdalene College and the Faculty of Education researching the impacts of behaviour genetics on teacher philosophies on student ability and achievement. She is the current President of the Cambridge University Women’s Boat Club.

In this Blog post she writes about the Race, Education and Empire (REE) research collective, of which she is a member. The REE manifesto states that 'Race, Education and Empire is an interdisciplinary research collective at the University of Cambridge that supports critical discussions of race and racism in education. Drawing upon historical and contemporary theoretical resources concerned with racism, imperialism and their intersections.'

You can follow Daphne on Twitter at @daphmarts or read her research blog at: